In Aluminium joinery Ponsico have 2 local Navas neighborhood within the district of Sant Andreu de Barcelona. These facilities are located on:
– A room of 200 square meters for OFFICE AND EXPOSURE (c / Murcia 29), which are the products of greatest interest to the client (as classic products, different quality, latest releases or new technologies) and provides personal attention by qualified staff for better customer service.
– A 300 square meters for WORKSHOP (c / Murcia 33), which are stored in the stock of the starting materials (aluminum bars, glass plates, machining accessories, etc..), Cut as and machined and prepared for installation.
Optimal treatment of our products in aluminum carpentry Ponsico have professional equipment of the highest quality:

Saw with hydraulic rams
Crosscut, matrices, bank mechanization, milling, grinder, drills (new), screwdrivers, saws wurth, glass table, roller guide (straight and round), etc..