Iron railing extension
22 September, 2022
Mediterranean curtain awning
29 September, 2022The main objective of the Next Generation fund is for residential buildings to reduce the consumption of non-renewable primary energy and also to reduce demand according to the climate zone.
The actions to be subsidised are the energy renovation of residential buildings and the construction of social rental housing in energy-efficient buildings.
They constitute extraordinary funds to combat the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic that will have to be made available before June 2026, the deadline for justification in the EU.
Through Royal Decree-Law 19/2021 of 5 October on urgent measures, the Government has prepared a Recovery, Transformation and Resilience plan to improve the energy efficiency of Spanish housing, promoting building renovation activity.
There are currently two types of aid, below you will be able to obtain all the necessary information:
- Aid by Autonomous Communities: You have until 31 Dic 2022 at the latest to apply for this aid.
- In order to apply for this aid you will need to reduce the overall annual energy demand for cooling and heating by at least 7%, or reduce the consumption of primary (non-renewable) energy by at least 30% and also modify construction elements in the thermal envelope (windows or balconies for example) to comply with the values of permeability and thermal transmittance to air that are established in the CTE (Technical Building Code).
- The amount received for this aid is exempt from personal income tax, unlike other subsidies. They do reduce the amount of the investment in the event that it also benefits from the tax deductions to which it could be entitled for this action.
- Tax deductions: There is a tax deduction (IRPF) of up to 20%, with a maximum of €5,000 per year per dwelling, provided that this action reduces the demand for cooling and heating by at least 7%.
- In order to apply for it, it is only necessary to contact an energy certifier, so that he/she can carry out the energy certificate before and after the desired change of structure, and obviously indicate it in the tax return.
Value of the aid (Next generation)
Its value will be up to a maximum of 40% of the cost of the action and a limit of 3000€. Taking into account that the cost of the action is equal to or greater than €1000.
Now that I have this information, how can I apply for this aid?
Taking into account the above information, there are two ways to apply for the Next Generation grant for housing renovation:
- Making the application yourself:
- Making the application yourself: Submitting the application electronically with an electronic certificate or in person at the competent bodies (Please note that if you choose to apply in person, you may need to make an appointment).
- In addition to the application document, you must attach the following documentation:
- Energy Efficiency Certificate of the Building before and after the action.
- Responsible declaration.
- Description of the windows and justification of compliance with the CTE.
- Document accrediting ownership or rental contract, if applicable.
- Invoices and proof of payment: request from the owner or installer after the application date. They cannot be paid in cash.
- Colour photographs of the façades before and after the work.
- Site plan.
- Detailed budget, indicating details of VAT, measurements, materials and labour.
- Through a rehabilitation agent who will be in charge of carrying out all the necessary procedures to obtain the aid.
The deadline for applying in Catalonia is 31/12/22.